usually this carseat holds Elsa - truly precious cargo. but it also comes in handy when i am meeting friends for dinner and need to transport a couple of bottles of vino in cushioned safey...
Yes, Natasha - it is indeed. Though I can't say it reproduces well in this shot... it's less pinkish than this appears. quite dark and "minky" in real life. :-)
It looks lovely! I will admit I had a bizarre unrequited love affair with the ribbon store in San Anselmo. I used to wander in, gaze at the gorgeous ribbon, covet it, and then leave empty handed...
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So is that seal brown?
Yes, Natasha - it is indeed. Though I can't say it reproduces well in this shot... it's less pinkish than this appears. quite dark and "minky" in real life. :-)
It looks lovely! I will admit I had a bizarre unrequited love affair with the ribbon store in San Anselmo. I used to wander in, gaze at the gorgeous ribbon, covet it, and then leave empty handed...
They really should be strapped in.
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