11 January 2010

1/11: to market, to market

most mondays, i work from home.  which, let me tell you, is a LIFE SAVER.  i can use my lunch hour to go to the grocery store and shop, blissfully free of the demands of an impatient 2-year-old. this is what i did today.

i also do laundry.  and i wear grubby jeans and thick wool socks and comfy sweaters.  it is a day for work tasks that require some uninterrupted concentration (contract drafting, etc.) but can also do basic stuff that is needed to make my life work. it's a key reason i am not looking for another job when so many others in my line of work are....  


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for MOndays. Amen.

Anonymous said...

is it wrong that i am intensely jealous of your uncrowded and beautifully stocked grocery store?

Suzanne said...

Not to gloat or anything, but your Mondays are my Everydays. Though right now, they're even too packed to do anything but work.

hazel said...

Working from home rocks (like Suzanne, I'm not gloating). I'm glad you get one day of it - and what a great day - Monday!

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